Sunday, November 22, 2009

Family Sunday Dinner: Lentil Spinach Soup

Every Sunday my family does a family dinner. This Sunday, I decided to contribute a vegan dish. And I'm not telling anyone its vegan, because then I know that my brothers wouldn't even give the poor thing a chance. So, in the spirit of being an older sister, lets see how tonights dinner goes!

Here is the recipe:

Lentil Spinach Stew/Soup

1 medium onion
5 cloves garlic
175g (6oz, 1 cup) split red lentils
1 (400g, 14oz) can chopped tomatoes (with juice)
4 tsp stock powder (or equivalent stock cube)
1 tbsp vegan Worcestershire sauce, or dark soy sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp ground fennel seed
1 bay leaf
2 medium carrots
250g (9oz) fresh or frozen chopped spinach
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar or red wine vinegar

1. Chop the onion. Sauté in vegetable stock until soft but not browned.

2. Meanwhile, chop the garlic and rinse the lentils. When the onion is soft, add the garlic, lentils, tomatoes, stock powder, Worcestershire / soy sauce, salt, thyme, fennel and bay leaf to the pan, along with 900ml (32 fl oz, 4 cups) water.

3. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat, cover pan, and simmer for about 20 minutes, until the lentils have started to break up. Stir occasionally.

4. Meanwhile, peel the carrots and chop into 1cm (1/4 inch) cubes. If using fresh spinach, wash, remove large stalks and chop roughly.

5. Add the carrots and spinach to the pan. Stir until mixed, and until frozen spinach has defrosted. Cover and simmer a further 15 minutes, or until lentils and vegetables
are cooked. Remove bay leaf and stir in vinegar.

This ends up tasting fairly tomato-ey. I like it. Use only 1/2 can if you're not too crazy about tomato flavour.

It also ends up fairly soupy - if you want it thicker, leave it until the next day to thicken, or use less water, or remove the lid for the last 10 minutes to allow water to evaporate. This is what I do to make it more stew-like.

Using frozen chopped spinach gives a more homogeneous texture - fresh spinach will be in larger pieces. I sometimes like a mixture of the two.

Fast Facts: Mulesing Mutilation on Lambs

Mulesing Mutilation on Lambs

- Mulesing is practiced primarily on merino lambs
- Involves the stripping away of large areas of skin and flesh from sheep’s hindquarters so as to prevent the growth of wool
- Performed as a preventive measure against a painful condition called “flystrike,” (occurs when the eggs of blowflies laid in woolly areas of sheep’s skin hatch into maggots, leading to infestation and, eventually, death by ammonia poisoning.)
- There are many humane flystrike prevention alternatives
- Mulesing is highly abusive, causing both acute and chronic pain
During mulesing, lambs are thrown onto their backs and their legs are restrained while the skin and wool around their backsides is carved away with metal shears to expose the flesh.
At the same time, their tails are often cut off.
The procedure is essentially skinning the animals alive without anesthetics
Bloody wounds have been found to remain unhealed for 22 to 30 days
Has been estimated that approximately 60 to 80 percent of merino sheep are subjected to mulesing in Australia
Statistics that suggest that at any given time, Australia contains about 82 million molested sheep
Solution to Problem: Banning Mulesing

Christmas Shopping or Christmas Chopping?

Every Christmas I have bought my aunts gifts from Talbot's. But through my research about wool, I found that Talbot's continues to get its wool from Australia, where cruel mulesing mutilations continue.

Here is my letter to Talbot's:

Dear Trudy Sullivan,

I have always been a regular shopper at Talbots during Christmas time, but this season I will not be in any of the stores. I was extremely disappointed when I learned that Talbots continues to get its wool from Australia, where cruel mulesing mutilations continue. Clearly there is nothing fashionable or elegant about cutting the skin and flesh from lambs' backsides, whether it is done with gardening shears or with clips that pull large chunks of skin tightly together until it rots off weeks later. As a compassionate consumer, I urge Talbots to make the responsible decision to stop sourcing wool from Australian sheep who have been mulesed either with shears or clips immediately.


Kate Wallace

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why should you go Vegan? Or at least Vegetarian?

    Through my research I have found a lot of reasons to go vegan. 101, to be exact. So here they are!

    1. Every year in the UK we feed our livestock enough food to feed 250,000,000 people while in the world 30,000,000 people die of starvation
    2. 20 vegetarians can live off the land required by one meat eater
    3. Every 3 seconds a child dies of starvation somewhere in the world
    4. If Americans reduced their meat consumption by 10% it would free 12,000,000 tons of grain - enough to feed 60,000,000 people (the population of Great Britain)
    5. If all Americans became vegetarian, it would free enough grain to feed 600,000,000 people (the population of India)
    6. Intensification in animal farming has displaced 1,000,000's of people from their traditional lands - eg. indigenous people in south & central america, native americans in north america & crofters in Great Britain - this is continuing today
    7. People displaced from their lands into cities succumb to dietary deficiency, diseases, parasites & opportunistic diseases
    8. In third world countries 1 in 10 babies die before their first birthday
    9. The UK imports �46,000,000 worth of grain from third world countries to feed our livestock
    10. Due to overgrazing 850,000,000 people live on land threatened by desertification & over 230,000,000 already live on land so severely desertified that they are unable to sustain their existence & face imminent starvation
    11. 1,000,000,000 people in the west gorging on meat & dairy leave 1,000,000,000 to waste away & 3,500,000,000 teeter on the brink
    12. If they continue to clear American forests to raise cattle at the present rate, in 50 years there will be none left
    13. 1 acre yields 165 lbs of beef or 20,000 lbs of potatoes
    14. 8/10 of cultivated land in the UK is used to grow food for animals (14,732,000 hectares)
    15. It takes 16lbs of high protein soya to produce 1 lb of beef
    16. Since 1945 in the UK we have lost 95% of flower meadows, 50% of ancient woodlands, 40% of heathlands, 50% of wet lands & 224,000 km of hedgerows all due to animal farming
    17. Pressure on land due to meat farming leads to soil erosion 6billion tons/year in the USA
    18. If everyone went vegetarian upto 90% of land used for animal farming could be taken out of production & used to replant woodlands, leisure activities etc.
    19. 25% of Central america's forests have been destroyed for cattle grazing since 1960
    20. Between 1966-1983 38% of the Amazon rain forest was destroyed for cattle grazing
    21. 90% of cattle ranches established on cleared forest land go bankrupt in less than 8 years as the land becomes barren due to nutrient loss & overgrazing
    22. Overgrazing by cattle is destroying the land & increasing desertification, nearly 430 million acres in the USA alone has suffered a 25-50% reduction in yield since first grazed
    23. An inch of topsoil takes 200-1000 years to develop - yet in the USA they have lost around 1/3 of their prime topsoil in 200 years (around 7 inches) due to animal farming
    24. Land will be lost due to rises in sea level due to global warming due to animal farming
    25. The destruction of the rainforest by cattle farmers is destroying the lungs of the planet & reducing the worlds capacity to replenish our oxygen supply
    26. The 1,300,000,000 cattle in the world emit 60,000,000 tons of methane per year (methane is a greenhouse gas & leads to global warming)
    27. Burning of forests, grasslands & agricultural waste associated with animal farming releases 50-100,000,000 tons of methane per year
    28. Combining these figures, 25% of methane emissions are due to animal farming (not including the billions of sheep, pigs & poultry so the real figure is much higher)
    29. Fertilizer used to grow crops to feed to animals releases nitrous oxide - thought to account for 6% of the greenhouse effect
    30. Fertilizer, weedkiller & pesticides sprayed on crops enter the atmosphere creating a noxious carcinogenic cocktail
    31. CFCs are released into the air from refrigeration units used to store decomposing flesh (meat), milk & butter - CFCs are destroy the ozone layer
    32. Ammonia from animal urine also pollutes the atmosphere
    33. CO2 is released by burning oil & petrol in lorries, ships, abattoirs, dairies, factories etc. associated with meat & dairy production
    34. Emissions from large chemical plants which produce fertilizer, weedkiller & other agricultural chemicals are also poisoning our air
    35. 25 gallons of water to produce 1lb of wheat & 2500 gallons to produce 1lb of meat
    36. UK farm animals produce 200,000,000 tonnes of slurry (liquid excrement) every year, the majority of which ends up in our rivers
    37. Bloody waste water from abattoirs ends up in our rivers
    38. In the USA every second humans produce 12,000 lbs of effluent while farmed animals produce 250,000 lbs
    39. Nitrates & pesticides used on crops grown to feed livestock end up in our rivers
    40. Meat & dairy farming uses 70 litres of water per day per animal in the UK or 159,250,000,000 litres per year in total
    41. The water used to produce 10 lbs of steak is equivalent to the average consumption of water for an entire household for an entire year
    42. Depletion of groundwater reserves to grow crops for animals & to supply abattoirs will lead to greater water shortages
    43. Aquafers (stores of underground water) in the San Joaquin valley in the USA are being drained at the rate of 500,000,000,000 gallons/year to produce meat
    44. 18% of all agricultural land in the world is irrigated & as global warming increases (partly due to animal farming) it will cost $200,000,000 to keep these systems going
    45. The water used to produce a 1000 lb beef steer is enough to float a Destroyer battleship
    46. The liquid waste from the various parts of the meat & dairy industry flow into the rivers & from there into the seas polluting them & encouraging huge algal blooms to grow
    47. To produce 1calorie of energy from meat takes 60 calories of petrol, whereas growing grains & legumes to directly feed people produces 20 calories for each calorie of fuel used ( thats 1200 times more efficient)
    48. Meat & dairy farming uses billions of gallons of oil to run tractors, fuel ships & lorries (to move animal feed & animals), pump billions of gallons of water to irrigate fields & run slaughterhouses, power refrigeration units to prevent the corpses from decomposing & to power sewage plants to clean up some of the pollution produced
    49. Cattle convert only 6% of their energy intake (mainly grains & soya) into flesh, the remaining 94% is wasted as heat, movement (which is why they keep many animals in very close confinement), hair, bones, faeces etc
    50. 1lb of beef takes 1 gallon of petrol to produce
    51. A family of four eating beef for a year uses enough petrol to run a car for 6 months (obviously depending on how far you drive!)
    52. If the full ecological cost of meat was passed onto the consumer - the price would be quadrupled (at least)
    53. The EC spends �100,000,000's to subsidise animal production resulting in lakes of unwanted milk & mountains of unwanted meat & butter. This money could be better spent encouraging organic fruit, vegetable & grain production
    54. In the USA in 1979 145,000,000 tons of crops were fed to cattle resulting in only 21million tons of animal bodies - the cost of the wasted crops was $20,000,000,000
    55. Between 1950 & 1985 grain production in Europe & the USA increased massively but 2/3 was fed to animals
    56. 70% of all grain is fed to animals
    57. Eating vast quantities of animal flesh, eggs, milk & butter is a luxury that most of the planet can not afford
    58. Fishing with drift (and other modern) nets weakens & destroys ecosystems by indiscriminately killing billions of sea creatures & disrupting the sea bed
    59. Fishermen's nets kill 10 times as many other animals as the fish they are hoping to catch
    60. Fish caught in nets die an agonising slow death of suffocation
    61. Each year 15,000,000,000 land animals are slaughtered for food & an unknown but much larger number of sea creatures (including 1000's of dolphins caught accidentally)
    62. Chickens are crammed into battery cages with upto 3 other birds, they are unable to even spread their wings & many can not even stand up
    63. Unwanted male chicks (because they can't lay eggs) are gassed or pulped while their sisters go to the battery sheds
    64. Chicks are debeaked without anaesthetic to prevent them injuring each other in the unnaturally confined conditions they are kept in - this is equivalent to having your fingernails pulled out without anaesthetic
    65. Modern farming methods using growth hormones & artificial lighting mean that many chickens out grow their bones, resulting in fractured & broken legs
    66. Sows are kept tethered in stalls 1.3 x 1 metre on concrete or slatted floors - they can not even turn around
    67. Poultry raised for meat are kept in windowless broiler sheds, with around 20-30,000 in each shed, they live in an area of 10-20 cm square - fighting due to overcrowding is common & like battery hens they commonly suffer from supperating bed sores
    68. Broilersheds are artificially lit 23 hours a day to produce rapid growth
    69. Animals travel between farms & to slaughter in overcrowded transporters with no food or water - resulting in stress, injuries & deaths - legal requirements are widely ignored
    70. 95% of poultry suffer injuries before being killed & 30% suffer broken bones
    71. Problems with stunning practices mean that many animals have their throats slit while still conscious (around 6% of cattle or 200,000 per year) & are then dipped in tanks of scalding water (to loosen feathers, bristles etc.) again while fully conscious
    72. 4000 animals die spurting their blood out every minute in a British slaughterhouse
    73. Calf leather comes from animals killed at just 2 weeks old
    74. Cows were fed on the ground up remains of other cows & sheep - the result is thought to be BSE (mad cow disease) in the USA cattle are fed partly on recycled plastic pellets
    75. Cows only give milk for 10 months after they have a calf - so they are routinely artificially inseminated (ie. mechanically raped) to keep them pregnant & milking - their calves are taken away (usually at 12 hours old) for meat or export to veal crates
    76. Cows would naturally live upto 20 years but are slaughtered after 5-7 years when their milk production begins to fall
    77. In the UK animals are killed by first being stunned with electricity or a captive bolt gun (ie. a bolt is fired into their heads) before having their throats slit & being plunged into boiling water - all this happens on a production line with the animals being hung upside down from a moving conveyor belt - this is factory farming
    78. "Animals are those unfortunate slaves & victims of the most brutal part of mankind" - John Stewart Mill (philosopher)
    79. Veal calves are confined in stalls in the dark, unable to move & are fed on pigs blood , chocolate & dried milk (we are drinking the rich fresh milk of their mothers)
    80. Cows naturally produce 5 litres of milk per day for their calves - under the intensified systems of modern farming they produce 25-40 litres per day - resulting in swollen & inflamed udders - at this rate they are soon worn out
    81. Large areas of land are under monoculture to grow crops to feed to animals - these areas are wildlife deserts supporting fewer & fewer species.
    82. Vegetarians have a 20% lower rate of mortality from all causes (ie. they live longer & don't get sick as often)
    83. Meat is full of traces of antibiotics, hormones, toxins produced by stress & pesticide residues that become concentrated from all the crops they have eaten
    84. Fish contain heavy metals & other pollutants -many of which originated on farms
    85. The world health organisation recommends a diet low in saturated fat, sugar, salt & with plenty of fibre - exactly what you get on a vegan/vegetarian diet
    86. Farmed animals contain upto 50% saturated fat in their bodies
    87. Vegetarians have 24% reduced risk of getting heart disease & Vegans a 57% reduction (heart disease is the biggest killer in the UK accounting for 50% of deaths)
    88. Obesity is rare in vegetarians, obesity is related to many diseases
    89. Vegans & vegetarians have lower blood pressure & cholesterol levels - high levels are associated with heart disease, strokes & kidney failure
    90. Vegetarians have a 50% reduced risk of dying of diabetes
    91. Vegetarians have a 40% reduced level of cancer than the general population thought to be because they have a higher intake of vitamins A,C & E
    92. Vegetarians have a reduced risk of developing gall & kidney stones
    93. 80% of food poisoning is due to infected meat (faeces, bacteria etc.) after all meat is decomposing flesh - most of the rest is due to salmonella in eggs
    94. Osteoporosis due to calcium loss from bones is mainly due to the sulphur content in meat & casein protein in milk that cause calcium to be lost in the urine - the countries with the highest meat & dairy consumption are those with the highest levels of brittle bones
    95. 50% of people do not have the enzyme to digest milk properly & milk allergy is related to asthma & eczema
    96. Meat eaters have double the rate of Alzheimers disease as Vegans & Vegetarians - some people also think that Parkinsons disease is also linked to meat eating
    97. Egg yolk is a dense concentration of saturated fat & the white is high in albumin protein associated with leaching calcium into your urine. Butter is 80% saturated fat, cream is 40% saturated fat & cheese is 25-40% saturated fat
    98. Meat eaters are two and a half times more likely to get bowel cancer than Vegetarians
    99. The cling film used to wrap meat in supermarkets & butchers contains chemicals linked to falling sperm counts in men
    100. Chinese people (living mainly on a vegetarian diet) consume 20% more calories than Americans but Americans are 20% fatter
    101. Of 2,100,000 deaths in the USA in 1987, 1,500,000 were related to diet (ie. meat & dairy)

Even a Vegan can have her Saturday Morning Pancakes!

Apple Pancakes

Recipe by: Vegan Handbook
Servings: 3

  • 1 1/2 C whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 T baking powder
  • 2 T apple juice concentrate, thawed
  • 3/4 C soymilk
  • 2 green apples, cored and grated

- Mix the flour, salt, and baking powder together. Mix the apple juice concentrate and soymilk separately.

- Add wet ingredients to dry; add the grated apples and stir gently until well blended.

- Spray skillet with cooking spray & preheat until moderately hot. For each pancake, use about 3T batter. Cook 3 minutes on each side until golden brown.

An Email From the President of Peta


Ingrid Newkirk

to me
show details 5:01 PM (20 hours ago)
Please be an

Dear Kate,

To most of us, the start of winter means that our warm clothes come out and the heater gets switched on. We can cope comfortably with the coming chill. But to neglected "backyard" dogs, the change of seasons means that they must endure many months of long, cold nights with nowhere to go to get out of the wind and sleet. It means aching joints and uncontrollable shaking—no matter how small a ball they try to curl into.

When PETA first found him, Outlaw had only a small wooden barrel for shelter and was chained dangerously close to a wobbly pile of heavy tires. The barrel was tilted, so the rain came straight down on him. He was tied up for life—day and night, night and day—on a worn-down circle of dirt in both bone-chilling winter temperatures and the broiling summer heat. When PETA fieldworkers played with him, it was probably the first time that anyone had paid him that much attention. Our fieldworkers also cleaned the waste from his dirt patch and set him up with a sturdy, weatherproof doghouse just before a winter storm set in. For the first time in Outlaw's life, he now has an "inside" to go to, a place where he can get out of the weather, and a way to keep himself warm and dry. As a PETA "Angel for Animals" doghouse sponsor, you can help dogs like Outlaw make it through cold winters by giving them a sturdy doghouse and straw bedding into which they can burrow. Please give shelter to a neglected dog who is chained or penned outside today.  Be An "Angel" TodayYou can change that.

For many of these animals, a sturdily constructed doghouse can make all the difference in the world—it can sometimes even be the difference between life and death. That's why PETA's "Angel for Animals" program is so important. Won't you become an "angel" for a lonely dog this year?

As an "Angel for Animals" sponsor, you can help provide a sturdy, weatherproof PETA doghouse that will give a needy dog the shelter that can help see him or her through winter and also help him or her endure bad weather for years to come.

It's impossible to be anything other than miserable when you're wet and cold. That's what winter means for dogs who are kept chained outside like bicycles and forced to face the elements without proper shelter. PETA goes out and finds and helps hundreds of these dear individuals every winter. Most of these dogs find themselves with little more than a freezing patch of dirt and no way to escape the harsh conditions.

It is startling to see the difference that a well-built doghouse can make in these animals' lives. We fill our doghouses with warm, fluffy straw bedding—the dogs go inside immediately to curl up and can't believe their luck. They smile! Their tails thump, life comes into them, and their world doesn't seem quite so hopeless anymore. We also give them tangle-free lightweight line to replace the heavy chains that weigh them down, and we provide them with a toy, a nutritious meal to winter-proof them that day, clean water (often we break the ice or have to provide a bucket or bowl), and a few minutes of the love and attention that mean the world to these social souls.

Last year, thanks to generous "Angel for Animals" sponsors, PETA provided nearly 300 neglected dogs who live in low-income areas with sturdy doghouses. These are dogs people can legally keep in conditions we find appalling. With many more dogs in urgent need—and with temperatures dropping fast—we want to top that number this year, and I hope that we can count on your support. There are so many ways that you can help:

  • Your "Angel for Animals" sponsorship gift of $265 can provide a sturdy, straw-filled doghouse to one neglected dog.
  • Your "Angel for Animals" sponsorship gift of $530 can provide sturdy, straw-filled doghouses to two neglected dogs.
  • Your "Angel for Animals" sponsorship gift of $1,325 can provide sturdy, straw-filled doghouses to five neglected outdoor dogs. It will be the best present they will ever have!

Please know that any gift you can give, no matter its size, will be put to work immediately toward this vital program.

Life is always hard for an unloved and ignored backyard dog—many people treat these animals as little more than a living burglar alarm on a chain. But this time of year can be particularly lonely, beyond miserable, and even deadly. Right now, these animals are facing another long, bitter winter with nowhere to go to get out of the stinging cold and the wet. By giving one of our doghouses to one or more of these dear individuals, you will immediately help reduce the suffering of a dog in need—and it will likely be the first "home" that he or she has ever had. Won't you please become a PETA "Angel for Animals" doghouse sponsor today?

Thank you for helping a neglected dog this winter in such a significant way.

Kind regards,

Ingrid Newkirk
Ingrid E. Newkirk

P.S. Your simple act of kindness today can bring one of these animals years of shelter from the elements. Please consider becoming an "Angel for Animals" sponsor or purchasing a sponsorship for a friend or family member who cares about animals right now.

What are you wearing?

Here is the reality of the Wool, Leather and Fur Industry.
Beware: your favorite leather boots might become your worst enemy.


- In the wool industry, just weeks after birth, lambs' ears are punched, their tails are chopped off, and the males are castrated, all without anesthetics.

- To prevent "flystrike" (a maggot infestation caused by wrinkly skin, which was bred into the sheep so that they would have more wool), Australian ranchers perform a barbarous operation called "mulesing," which involves carving huge strips of flesh off the backs of unanesthetized lambs' legs.


- Leather is not a slaughterhouse byproduct

- a booming industry, a driving force for the cattle industry

- accounts for two-thirds of the value of the slaughtered cattle

- the hides of "veal" calves are made into high-priced calfskin

- The economic success of slaughterhouses and factory farms is directly linked to the sale of leather goods

- Decreasing demand for both animal foods and leather products will result in fewer cows' being factory-farmed


- Animals on fur farms spend their lives in tiny cages only to be killed by anal or genital electrocution, which causes them to have a heart attack.

- Some are skinned alive

- Animals in the wild may languish for days in traps before they die or are killed.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Letter to NASA in Defense of Squirrel Monkeys

NASA plans to expose approximately two dozen squirrel monkeys to dangerous space radiation. This exposure in monkeys can cause them to suffer from fatal types of cancer, including brain tumors, and other illnesses. Does this sounds humane? I don't think so! So I took action, and wrote a letter to Charles F. Bolden Jr at NASA.

This is the letter:

Dear Charles F. Bolden Jr.,

I was shocked to learn that NASA intends to use squirrel monkeys for cruel experiments involving dangerous exposure to radiation. The use of monkeys in such experiments is both ethically indefensible and scientifically questionable.

Please immediately put an end to these experiments and instead use tax dollars toward further developing and implementing modern non-animal research methods to learn about the health effects of space travel.


Kate Wallace

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holiday Crisis!!!

Christmas time is here! Normally that means hot chocolate, gingerbread cookies, and roasting marsh mellows by the fire. I definitely feel that I have taken on this project at a bad time of year because while all my friends are sitting in Starbucks with their hot chocolates, I'm sitting there with warmed up soy milk. Not quite as exciting. However, I am determined not to give up being a vegan. So today I decided to find a great holiday food that is good for both the animals and my sweet tooth. I found this recipe on a highly recommended website called "The Fatfree Vegan." I plan on trying it tonight, so lets see if the vegan version can stand a chance against the infamous Starbucks Ginger Molasses cookies.


1/8 cup applesauce
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup dark molasses
1/2 cup agave nectar (maple syrup or molasses if you want)
1/4 cup cold water
1 1/2 cups white flour
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 t allspice
1 t ginger
1 t cloves
1 t cinnamon
1 t vanilla
1 t baking soda
1/4 t salt
1/2 T cold water

Mix the applesauce, brown sugar and molasses together thoroughly. Stir in 1/2 cup cold water and vanilla.

Mix together dry ingredients. Add to the dough. Add 1/2 T cold water. Mix well.

Cover bowl and chill dough (for at least one hour.) (I'm not sure this step is really necessary, since there is no fat that needs to chill.)

Preheat oven to 350. Roll out dough thick (1/4-1/2 inch). Cut with small glass (1-2 inch diameter) or cookie cutters. Place on lightly oiled (sprayed)
cookie sheet.

Bake about 7 minutes. Dust with powdered sugar and allow to cool.

Wish me luck!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I know I'd rather Go Naked than Wear Fur

The "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaigns have had a big impact on the fur industry. Many celebrities, including Christy Turlington and Pamela Anderson, have stripped down to pose for these campaigns. PETA is behind this genius message.

Why would so many celebrities be willing to stand naked in front of a camera? I bet you didn't know that every piece of fur clothing, lining, and trim was the cause of extreme suffering by innocent animals. These animals are beaten, hanged , electrocuted, and even skinned alive for their fur.

Fur factory farms crowd animals into wire cages so small that they don't have room to walk. These cramped quarters cause great emotional distress to the animals, and they often turn to self-mutilation or cannibalism to cope with their anxiety." (PETA website).

Did you know that there are
no federal humane laws regulating factory fur farms? As a result, farmers use barbaric methods for killing animals to avoid damaging their pelts. That means electrocuting, poisoning, or gassing is common.

These celebrities would rather bare their skin if it means an innocent creature can keep theirs. After reading this, I hope you feel the same way!

What is this project all about?

Hello everyone!

Although the title of this blog is "20 days in the Life of a Teenage Vegan" I would like my future readers to know that its going to be so much more than that. In the following 20 days not only am I planning to report on life without my beloved ice cream and cheese, but I am also planning to explore the importance of treating animals with respect. So expect lots of recipes, letters to companies who mistreat animals, information about animal cruelty, and lots of whining about dairy cravings.
